Resources on Microaggressions & Bias:
Implicit Bias Test Harvard EDU
Teenagers Discuss Microaggressions and Racism #HatchKids - SheKnows
What I am learning about my white grandchildren -- truths about race | Anthony Peterson | TedxAntioch - Tedx Talks
If Microaggressions Happened to White People MTV
Additional Videos:
A Conversation with the Police - Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man Ep. 9 - Emmanuel Acho
Resources on Being an Ally:
5 Tips For Being An Ally - chescaleigh
Resources on Equality & Equity:
21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge
Stories of Race in Elmhurst - Backyard Caucus, Inc. of Elmhurst, Il (available on Amazon and at the Elmhurst Public Library)